Texas EMS Conference SIM Games

Registration for the 2024 Texas EMS SIM Games is now full. If you would like to be placed on a waitlist, please email registration@texasemsconference.com.

The 8th Annual Texas EMS SIM Games will take place at Texas EMS Conference 2024 in Fort Worth,  Texas.

See below for Texas EMS SIM Games Schedule and Rules & Regulations.

Texas EMS SIM Games is sponsored by:

Schedule & Details

Sunday, November 24

12:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Round 1 – Scenario Based Challenge
5 Teams Eliminated / 5 Continue

Exhibit Hall Booth #135

Monday, November 25

9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Round 2 – Scenario Based Challenge
3 Teams Eliminated / 2 Continue

Exhibit Hall Booth #135

2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Round 3 – Scenario Based Challenge

Exhibit Hall Booth #135

Tuesday, November 26

11:45 am – 1:30 pm
Winning Team Announced at Awards Luncheon

All Challenges to take place on SIM Games Stage in Exhibit Hall. Number of teams continuing and eliminated in each round is subject to change based on the number of teams registered.

Team Registration Fee: $50

$500 – Winning Team

$250 – Runner-Up Team

Traveling Trophy

Individual Awards

(Contact info: Teams must provide a personal phone number and Email, base or office numbers will not be accepted.)

  • Registration is limited to 10 ALS teams and will be awarded on a first come, first served basis. The previous year’s winners will have an automatic invitation to compete. Registration fees still apply.
  • ALS Teams – Each team will be composed of two (2) persons and at least one team member must be a paramedic.
  • Physicians are not eligible to participate as team members.
  • Registered nurses may participate if partnered with a paramedic.
  • All team members must hold a current National Registry Certification and a state EMS license / certification or a Texas EMS certification / license.
  • Each team may designate one alternate crew member should the registered participant be unable to attend the day of the competition.
  • All scenario-based challenge rounds will be single elimination.
  • Teams must arrive in the staging area 15 minutes prior to their scheduled start time.
  • Judges will be provided by GMR – One judge for skills challenges / two or three judges for each of the scenario challenges.
  • Scoring based upon adherence to current industry best practices.
    • Points will be earned in 4 areas:
      • Scene Management
      • Patient Assessment
      • Patient Management
      • Crew Communication
    • Scoring will be documented as follows.
      • -2= Detrimental actions
        • Life threat
      • -1=incorrect action(s)
        • Not necessarily harmful
      • 0 = item not addressed in any manner
      • 1 = item addressed
    • Judges’ scores for the first scenario round will be combined with the skills challenges scores to determine which teams will progress to the second round.
    • Judges’ scores for each subsequent round will be added together to determine the highest scores for that round.
    • The team with the highest scores progresses to the next round; should a tie occur, the team with the highest total combined score from all previous rounds (skill stations will be used if the tie is in the first scenario round) will progress to the next round or win the competition. 
  • Participants must wear their duty uniform.
  • Teams will have 20 minutes to complete the scenario; time begins when you are dispatched.
  • Teams will be expected to perform assessment and treatment modalities on the manikins.
    • Manually check for pulses, auscultate lung sounds, assess pupils, etc. during the assessment
    • Medications should be drawn up at appropriate doses and pushed either into the manikin or a provided safe alternative
    • IV fluids should be spiked and should be set to flow at the desired rate
    • Appropriate time amounts should be allotted for onset of medications and other procedures
    • Blood Glucose results will be available 30 seconds after draw time
    • EKGs will be available once the procedure has been appropriately demonstrated
  • Medical control or physician assistance will not be available at any time during the scenario.
  • Crews may not prepare medications or equipment prior to the start of the scenario.
  • Bystander help may or may not be available during a scenario; judges will ensure standardization for each scenario.
  • Team members WILL NOT be sequestered until the final round; therefore, they will be able to participate in other conference activities during non-competition time. No members of any team, including the alternate, are permitted to enter any competition site before their competition time(s). We are trusting each team to use the honor system.  We ask that you report to your designated meeting point, as established at the practice / orientation session, ONLY at the time indicated and wait for a competition staff member to escort you to your competition staging area.  However, in the final round of competition the second team to compete will be sequestered by a member of the GMR / Med-Trans Corp host team. During this time there will be no access to mobile devices to include phones, tablets, smart watches, and radios.
  • It is expected that all participants will act responsibly, appropriately, and professionally through all phases of the competition.  Points can, and will, be deducted at the judge’s discretion for any behavior that is deemed unprofessional or inappropriate during the competition.
  • Manikins: The link provided below will allow you to familiarize yourself with the manikins that will be used during the competition.  We will be using the high-fidelity simulators.


  • Equipment to be provided by GMR
    • Monitor / defibrillator with appropriate cables and pads
    • Backboards with CID’s and straps
    • Oxygen tank with regulator
    • Portable Suction
  • Each team is required to supply their own equipment (jump) bags similar to what is used by their service on a daily basis.  The expectation is for teams to work out of their own equipment bags, so extra medical equipment beyond what you carry into the scenario should not be expected. Please bring extra basic equipment to restock between scenarios. Teams should be prepared to encounter any type of patient population.
  • You may reuse equipment opened for previous scenarios.
  • One calculator and one length based pediatric assessment device (Broslow Tape) are the only references allowed during the competition.
  • No electronic devices may be accessed during the competition, including medical apps.
  • No mechanical CPR or ventilation devices are permitted.
  • Equipment carried into a scenario on a team member’s person must be approved by the judges prior to the beginning of the competition.
  • Teams are responsible for the safe disposal of all sharps.

2023 Texas EMS SIM Games Champions

Winners of 2022 Texas EMS SIM Games at Texas EMS Conference holding trophy.

Contratulations to Taylor Ballard and Rick Maricle of Bexar County ESD 2 Fire Department, winners of the 7th Annual Texas EMS SIM Games!

Texas EMS SIM Games – Previous Champions

2022 Champions

PHI Air Medical

Team Members:
Guy Minshall & Chris Pena

Winners of 2022 Texas EMS SIM Games at Texas EMS Conference holding trophy.
2021 Texas EMS SIM Games Winners- Zach Huntington & Josh Villarreal

2021 Champions

Converse Fire Department

Team Members:
Zach Huntington & Josh Villarreal

2019 Champions

A Pair A Medics, Lake Travis Fire Rescue

Team Members:
Jeff Kimbrell & Braden Frame

SIM Games Championship Team with Trophy | Texas EMS Conference | Austin, TX
SIM Games Championship Team with Trophy | Texas EMS Conference | Austin, TX

2018 Champions

A Pair A Medics, Lake Travis Fire Rescue

Team Members:
Justin Miller & Braden Frame

2017 Champions

A Pair A Medics, Lake Travis Fire Rescue

Team Members:
Braden Frame & Tristan Monks

SIM Games Championship Team with Trophy | Texas EMS Conference | Austin, TX

2016 Champions

Come at Me Bro, PHI Air Medical

Team Members:
Ben Hardy & Don Scott